The average house price on CAIRN GARTH is £815,419
The most expensive house in the street is 8 CAIRN GARTH with an estimated value of £1,089,295
The cheapest house in the street is 2 CAIRN GARTH with an estimated value of £567,291
The house which was most recently sold was 2 CAIRN GARTH, this sold on 5 Jun 2020 for £465,000
The postcode for CAIRN GARTH is LS20 8QP
AddressProperty TypeCurrent Estimated ValuePrice PaidDate
1 CAIRN GARTH Detached £903,279 £459,995 30 Jul 2004
2 CAIRN GARTH Detached £567,291 £465,000 5 Jun 2020
3 CAIRN GARTH Detached £902,946 £507,500 2 Mar 2006
4 CAIRN GARTH Detached £623,526 £430,000 15 Jul 2015
5 CAIRN GARTH Detached £708,039 £460,000 30 Jul 2014
6 CAIRN GARTH Detached £1,018,675 £550,000 14 Jul 2005
7 CAIRN GARTH Detached £710,304 £522,000 18 Mar 2016
8 CAIRN GARTH Detached £1,089,295 £580,995 20 Apr 2005